Unsure How to Start
(or Continue)
- Brainstorming
- Abandoning current product design
- Cost estimating project
- Honing rough ideas into feasible idea given realistic resources (time, people, money, technology, etc.)
- Continuing with current product design (e.g., adding features, new version)
- Branching into new products
- Transitioning from one project stage to another
- Others...
In Emergency Mode
- Nothing to show after spending significant resources (e.g., investors' money)
- Sudden change or addition to current product, product line, or project direction
- Limitations of resources prevent meeting goals
- Time (e.g., suddenly shortened schedule, only X months left in original schedule)
- People (e.g., not enough, revolving door, stuck with somebody who lacks appropriate characteristics)
- Money (e.g., investment money nearly depleted, not enough money known in advance)
Poor Design-Development Process
- Scheduling does not accurately reflect estimates or actuals
- Too-much or too-rigid process. Need it to be faster; more lean, flexible, dynamic, responsive, agile-like
- Team members don't know what processes to follow, or don't follow the process even if they know it
- Team works in silos (e.g., software vs. hardware, or one software module vs. other software module)
- There is no--or no good--process